4 datasets found

Licenses: UK Open Government Licence (OGL) Organisations: Hull City Council

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  • Parking

    Beta datasets for parking related data within the City of Hull. These datasets are for testing purposes only and may be removed. Once the dataset format has been agreed they...
  • Scoot Loop - Volume and Speed

    This real-time data contains details of SCOOT loops on highways in Hull. SCOOT loops are installed at traffic signals, and are used to measure traffic congestion. The data is...
  • SuDSlabUK and Citywide environmental data

    This data is made up from the following: Hull University SuDSlabUK project More can be found by visiting their dedicate webpage. The Deep This is a multi-sensor gateway based at...
  • Modal transport count

    The resources that are part of this data-set are created by processing CCTV video feeds. The video feeds are automatically analysed by algorithms based on OpenCV to identify...